01278 555 222    
3 year chain harrow warranty
Chain harrow sales UK delivery


UK chain harrow sales with FREE UK delivery*

FREE delivery to most areas of the UK*

Free chain harrow delivery - UK mainland

Please call us on 01278 555 222 for Scottish Highlands and European delivery options or for chain harrow advice.

*Free delivery applies to trailed paddock harrows only (not the mounted harrow range).
Supplement applies to Highlands and Islands and may apply to some areas of Scotland, Wales, Devon and Cornwall


3 year chain harrow warranty

We include a free 3 year extended warranty with our chain harrows.


Horse Drawn Chain Harrows

Harrows were originally designed to be towed behind a horse.

If you are looking for a chain harrow to be towed by your horse consider the type and size of horse initially. We would usually recommend starting with a Semi-Professional 5ft deep harrow with a single mat upgrading to a Professional 10ft deep chain harrow later if suitable for your horse.


Chain harrows for horses UK sales free mainland delivery

Our chain harrows can also be pulled by horses to harrow paddocks and fields or for country show demonstrations and competitions.

"Hi, As promised a video of harrowing with Etoile our draft horse. It worked brilliantly!"

Liz Vickeri


Chain Harrow Horse Harnesses

People often ask where they can purchase suitable harnesses, if you can recommend a good UK company we’d be grateful if you could call us on 01278 555 222 and let us know.


For more information on towing chain harrows with your horse please click chain harrowing with horses (pdf file).


Call us on 01278 555 222 if you need any chain harrow help or advice regarding a harrow for your horse.